About me

I assume that the question that raises to every youth and the end of secondary school is “What do I want to become society?”, “What job do I want to pursuit”, “What should I study for?”. It was about the same story for me. I didn’t have an clear picture of what to become, but I did know I wanted to do something technical so I quickly decided to continue my study at the Institute for Natural Resource and Engineering Studies (NATIN) in 2003. There I achieved my diploma in Electrical Engineering specialized in Information technology, so developing electrical circuits, measuring transistors and diodes were part of the curriculum.

Somewhere before completing my study at NATIN, I developed interest in computer and mainly in designing and developing webpages. Although there were no schools or institutes to teach me those skills, I went on a journey of studying of online tutorials where my internet was limited to internet cafe’s. I was pretty confident with my developing skills at the moment and decided to look for freelance work. It’s always nice for students to earn money right? :D So I got accommodated by a company called Design XXL where I had the privilege to work on many web development projects.

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.

The last phase of my study at NATIN included a internship of 3 months, where instead of choosing for something in Electrical Engineering I chose for an internship at a company called Cyber Mango. Although I had my diploma in Electrical Engineering, it looked like I totally put Electrical Engineering aside and started a new journey.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

After the internship in 2007, I joined a 9 month full-time training in web development at Spang Makandra which is a joint venture of Cyber Mango (Suriname) and Us Media (Netherlands). The training was a good addition to the skills I already had, and it has been it seemed as I never stood still. I was/am on a journey of continuous growth. I promoted from trainee to junior developer, medior deveveloper, project manager and even supported account management.

In the late 2009 Wouter Niekus (my former web development trainer), Spang Makandra, SAO and the Ministry of labor made an effort in entering Suriname to the WorldSkills scene and it was a success. In 2010 I had the honor to represent my country at the WorldSkills Americas held in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil together with Marciano Pinas (a welder). We both achieved the bronze medallion and also a better vision of the level of education of other countries in our region and the possibilities of our profession. To me it was a rewarding moment of all the hard work and also a measurement of knowledge on an international level.

The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.

It was a big decisions, but in 2012 I started a company called Bit Dynamics together with SIB Signs & Designs, which is a leader in the local sign industry. Bit Dynamics specializes in building websites and web applications and currently facilitates four workers including myself.